Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've been stitching a little bit here and there. It's a really sucky picture, but it's good enough for ransom purposes I suppose lol

The fabric is actually Silkweaver's Mountain Rose. Maria picked it out herself. She wanted it on pink pink fabric she got. This is the 3rd Letter Fairy I've stitched and I have to say I really hate the wings on these things. I don't know what it is about them, but I just really don't like them.


Missy Ann said...

That's it! I'm ordering the missing threads for this so I can start it too.

I blame you Autumn. rofl

I can't remember all your dds' names... is this the last letter you have to do?

Wendy said...

you're right, the wings looks funny, as if they do not belong to her.
maybe hers were at teh dry-cleaners and she leased these ??

Jenny said...

Very nice! I so wish the design for K had been better so I could do one for my daugher.

Silverlotus said...

I didn't mind the wings for H, but I am not looking forward to doing the ones for Lily of the Valley. They remind me of flannel pj material. :)

M looks great, even with the weird wings!

Laural said...

Pretty! I love all these fairies, I just don't like that some letters are plain and simple and some are spectacularly elegant.

Deb said...

I think that you piece is very pretty. And you may be right about the wings, but in total, I think it's darling.

Jennifer said...

Maybe your pic will be the kickstart I need to begin "H"! Now, if I could only pick my fabric while sitting here at work. ;)

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I think she's beautiful Autumn!

Shelleen said...

she is very pretty

Chiloe said...

It's true some fairies are actually much better looking without wings ;-)

Cute finish ;-) Is she happy?

Tammy said...

Very pretty--I don't think the wings are bad at all.